Friday, October 2, 2015

Capital CarShare is on the move--Start-up takes new offices

Kateri Turner uses -- what else? -- a Capital CarShare car during the start-up
organization's move to new offices. We have enjoyed sharing space with this
fledgling organization, and look forward to good things for them.  
Capital CarShare is on the move.

After a year of "sharing" our office space with Capital CarShare (we like sharing, too) the locally based start-up carsharing service is moving into its very own offices.

This start-up organization is excited to take this next step from a seed group to a second-stage organization and they were appreciative of all the help the BID team gave them during their start-up phase.

"The Central BID team has been extremely helpful every step of the way," says Kateri Turner, Operations & Fleet Manager, Capital CarShare. The BID provided office space, technical assistance, and guidance. The partnership with the Capital District Transportation Committee, the Community Loan Fund of the Capital Region, CDTA, and the CBID, Capital CarShare was able to transition from a crowdfunded business plan into a full-fledged organization, with two full-time employees and six cars on the road, Turner says.

"Being within the Central Avenue BID was a really great opportunity, because we were able to really connect with Albany," says Turner. "We really tried to listen to you guys and how you guys interact with the community and help the community, and I think it really helped us shape the way we do things."

And we had fun doing it! Over the span of a year, the two organizations got to work together on a number of initiatives and events, including the St. Patrick's Day Parade, Scarecrows on the Avenue, and All Around Albany, and we frequently tabled together at big regional events, including Alive@5 and Harvest Fest.

The service has been a valuable addition to the Capital Region, expanding transportation options for city citizens without putting more cars on the road. And the service is affordable, with rates starting at just $8/hour for members. The process is simple: sign-up for a monthly membership, reserve a car for up to 72 hours, and drive. Gas, tax, and insurance are covered by one low rate and cars are parked in lots around the city for easy pick-up and drop-off.

"We're excited to see Capital CarShare take this important next step, and we look forward to watching them continue to grow," says Anthony Capece, Executive Director for the Central Avenue BID. "We will continue to help support businesses in Albany and we are moving in a new direction where we can also help seed new startups."

If you are a start-up, let the CBID help you. Contact our offices at (518) 462-4300 to make an appointment to chat. For more information, visit

Capital CarShare is located at 194 Lark Street, near the corner of Central Avenue. (518) 545-4740. For more information abour the organization or to sign up for membership, please visit their website